Creative Direction Website Design Event Programming

Gato Curio

Gato Curio is a division of 26 Moon Creative LLC. Inspired by queer spiritual curiosity and an affinity for both art and rest, Gato Curio is the assumed name of Vic’s work as a spiritual HeARTist.

Creative Direction

From logo design to photography, the visual and creative direction has been curated to be vibrant, flexible, and whimsical, countering the sometimes intimidating art form of tarot reading, one of Gato Curio’s primary services.

Event Programming

From booking venues to going live virtually and showing up IRL, Gato Curio has connected with community near and far.

Beaded ring workshop & How-to printout

Teaching small hands how to craft for self-expression, the beaded ring workshop was an hour long cheerful programming prepared for trans youth in Texas.

Yoga flow, sound bath, and journaling Session

With 25 attendees and a waitlist, Full Moon Function was a successful community event that included slow flow yoga, sound healing, journaling, and time for community connection.

Website Design

Mobile and desktop design using squarespace and custom HTLM & CSS to showcase Gato Curio’s services, allow for scheduling, and the sharing of written blogs.